Based on our preliminary observations, quality of life has shown an improvement, especially in the loss of smell. CONCLUSIONS: The role of Dupilumab in the management of CRSwNP is emerging. In particular, we found a significant improvement of nasal congestion, loss of smell, post-nasal drip, nasal polyp score, SNOt-22 and VaS. Monitoring our patients, we have noticed a considerable respiratory gain associated with a nasal symptoms improvement. 60% of patients were male and 40% were female, the mean age was 58,7 years. RESULTS: We describe clinical outcomes of patients enrolled since December 2020 from our center of rhinoallergology affected by CrSwNP treated with Dupilumab. this collection form consisted of three parts: an anamnestic collection data, a clinician reported outcome and two PROMs questionnaire namely a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Sino-Nasal Outcome test-22 (SNOt-22). We have developed a dedicated collection form to monitor patients' compliance to therapy and their clinical outcomes. We have enrolled 37 patients with CRSwNP treated with Dupilumab. METHODS: Our center of Rhino-Allergology and the Pneumology Unit have been cooperating in a multidisciplinary management to treat patients with CRSwNP and/or with concomitant asthma. Aim of this article is to report our preliminary experience in the evaluation of quality-of-life outcomes in CRSwNP patients treated with biologics.

BACKGROUND: the introduction of biologics in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CrSwNP) has allowed new therapeutic options and Dupilumab represents the first approved biological agent.